#好书介绍 - 蔡伦造纸 Cai Lun Invents Paper

#好书介绍 - 蔡伦造纸 Cai Lun Invents Paper

#好书介绍 - 蔡伦造纸 Cai Lun Invents Paper


Ever wondered about how paper is made?

Why and how did it happen?


This book tells of how Cai Lun came to invent paper.

His work at the imperial palace was to manage equipment

So he had to keep detailed records of everything.

Being frustrated with the writing process and tools available,

he started experimenting with many different materials.


About year 105, Cai Lun had the idea

to form sheets of paper from bark of trees, hemp waste,

old rags and fishing nets.

This invention gained traction across the country,

and soon spread worldwide!


Why we love this book


📜 Lovely Chinese illustration style

📜 It's bilingual!

📜 Chinese text is very beautifully written,

each page contains 20 words

divided into 4 lines of 5 characters each!

They are meaningfully chosen, some even rhyme!

📜 Text is reads from top to bottom, right to left -

in reference to how text used to be read in ancient China!

This is really rare in kid lit.

📜 Book is Montessori-friendly!

📜 Based on reality with beautiful illustrations reflecting culture.

📜 Jasmine @3mm.montessori shares that this book is very compatible with the 4th Great Story on the Coming of Language in Montessori Education

📜 We learn about growth mindset - from Cai Lun's example to FIND SOLUTIONS for our daily problems, and learn NOT TO GIVE UP despite challenges! We marvel at how RESOURCEFUL he is too!


Note: book was written in Mandarin then translated to English - though the English translation may not be the best,

but is still super helpful!


What we did

📜 Find things around the house made of paper - post-it for writing messages and to-do lists, canteen menu, hanyu pinyin worksheet, 四五快读 book, tissue paper

📜 Talked about things we can do with paper

画 huà draw

撕 sī tear

折 zhé fold

剪 jiǎn cut

写 xiě write

记录 jì lù record


Maybe one of these days we can have a go at papermaking at home 😍


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