成语故事 水墨画 Idiom Stories in Watercolors with Hanyu Pinyin (Set of 30)

成语故事 水墨画 Idiom Stories in Watercolors with Hanyu Pinyin (Set of 30)

成语故事 水墨画 Idiom Stories in Watercolors with Hanyu Pinyin (Set of 30)


A set of 30 books covering 60 Chinese idiom stories, including 对牛弹琴,画蛇添足,半途而废,班门弄斧,磨杵成针 and more!

Why we recommend it

⭐️ Covers a good range of idiom stories

⭐️ The language used here is a little more descriptive

and suited for primary school children.

⭐️ Lots of beautiful phrases and idioms that we can use in our speech and compositions!

⭐️ The illustrations are really lovely, in classic Chinese watercolours!

⭐️ Montessori-friendly too.

Most stories are based on human characters,

not kiddy or cartoonish, and help us under culture more.

⭐️ In every book, there's a section on 成语接龙. It's so interesting to know that there are so many idioms out there!

⭐️ Hanyu pinyin aid which is indispensable.

⭐️ Every story comes with very clear and lovely (free!) audio narration, via QR code at the back of each book.

Recommended for Ages: 6-12

No. of Books: 30

No. of stories per book: 2

Total stories: 60

Pages: 22 per book

Format: Softcover

Language: Simplified Chinese with Hanyu Pinyin

I’m hoping to introduce more Chinese idioms slowly to my kids, to deepen their understanding and grasp of the Chinese language.

Hopefully it helps them understand its beauty too 🥰

Join us as we support our primary school kids

in their bilingual journey!

#SGPrimarySchoolChinese x #funplaywithchinese









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