I Can Use Chopsticks Now! + Wise Before Five (Set of 2)
I truly think this set has a place
in EVERY SINGLE HOME with children,
and am super excited to have found this gem
to share on My Story Treasury!
I've set this book out in the living room and dining table
over the past few days,
and already had some interesting conversations with my primary school kids and the toddler too! 😍
These books are highly useful and practical,
and helps us to raise thoughtful children who
grow in their independence,
and can use their skills to help others too!
Book 1 is translated from Japanese,
filled with little visual guides for life skills ALL of us should know.
Book 2 is translated from English,
a collation of must-learn facts
to hone our kids' IQ and EQ.
Why we love this bookset:
❤️Illustrations are adorable, colours are bright!
❤️Lifeskills are broken down into small achievable steps
❤️Clearly labelled visual guides for tasks that we didn't know how to breakdown before
Some of our favourite pages in book 1:
🔖 Using an umbrella - How to to hold it by the handle, how to open an umbrella step by step, do not poke others with the umbrella
🔖How to place our fingers to hold a bowl properly
🔖Various things we can do with chopsticks - 搅 stir, 夹 pick up,切 cut
🔖Ways to pick up different pets! This is so interesting, I've never seen it taught in a chilldren's book before!
🔖How to open a packet of chips and the lid of jelly / yogurt
🔖 How to wrap a lunchbox / bento in in Japanese furoshiki!
This is such a special book to interest our kids in Mandarin,
and use the language in our daily lives!
Highly recommended.
Suitable for ages 2-8,
and the facts are super useful to our adulting too 😉
Get yours today
from mystorytreasury.com!
Join us as we support our primary school kids
in their bilingual journey!
#SGPrimarySchoolChinese x #funplaywithchinese