🇸🇬 闹闹 Comics for primary school students 🇸🇬
Enjoy the snippet of comic that I’ve shared in the photos today!
Coming by this evening to share more about this series that we’ve been enjoying 😍
There are 3 Series for 闹闹 comics, here are some samplers of the topics:
1. 闹闹漫画乐园 Nao Nao Comics (Set of 5)
Published: 2016
《上学乐》 First day of primary school
《闹新年》Chinese New Year
《白老师生病了》Teacher falls sick
《考试冲冲冲》Exam preparation
《童子军》Scouts volunteering activity
2. 闹闹漫画街 Nao Nao Comics Street (Set of 4)
Published: 2018-2019
《闹闹说谎话》Telling lies
《闹闹的假期》School holidays
《课外活动》Co-curricular activities
〈体能测验》Fitness test
《手机惹的祸》Mobile phones
3. 闹闹漫画村 Nao Nao Comics Village (Set of 3)
Published: 2019
《闹闹的志愿》Dreams and ambitions
《闹闹下象棋》Chinese chess
《闹闹不吃菜》Eating vegetables
《闹闹的一日游》Day tour
《猴子闯祸》Monkey mayhem
Some terms we’ve learnt from reading these series
天才 tiān cái - genius
系好安全带 jì hǎo ān quán dài - buckle seatbelt
小气 xiǎo qì - petty
作弊 zuò bì - cheat
💡Authentic learning moment - was doing #四五快读 with my eldest the other day and he encountered the character 才. I asked him what 组词 he knows that contains 才.
He thought for a moment then excitedly said 👦🏻: “才。天才的才。闹闹是吃蛋糕的天才。不是下象棋的天才!” and starting laughing.
It’s little moments like these that I find super precious ❤️
Little by little, they’re connecting what they learn with what they’ve experienced before, and it becomes part of them!
Do you have any recent small or big wins on your bilingual journey to share? Let’s celebrate together! 🥳