📣Have you heard? Karen lao shi (@mandarintree.nl ) is in Singapore 🇸🇬 and would LOVE to meet everyone next Saturday on 30th July, 12pm!

📣Have you heard? Karen lao shi (@mandarintree.nl ) is in Singapore 🇸🇬 and would LOVE to meet everyone next Saturday on 30th July, 12pm!

📣Have you heard? Karen lao shi (@mandarintree.nl ) is in Singapore 🇸🇬 and would LOVE to meet everyone next Saturday on 30th July, 12pm!

Together with Jieke (@chinesekidssongs ), we will be hosting a FREE Chinese storytelling and singing session at NOM Bistro & Bakery. @noothermeaning !

@mystorytreasury will also be offering a wonderful selection of Chinese storybooks for sale at the event!

Enjoy a peaceful meal/cup of coffee while your kids are meaningfully engaged. After the storytelling & singing session, we will have a meet & greet with everyone.

(Suitable for kids age 3-7 but we welcome everyone!)

Spaces are limited so please sign up asap via: www.mandarintree.nl/sgmeetup

We can’t wait to meet everyone!







#mandarintreenl #chineseforkids #mandarinforkids #funplaywithchinese #mandarinagainstallodds #sgkids #sgparent #sgparents #sgpreschool #sgkidsclass #sgmontessori #sgkidsstuff #sgkidsactivities #sgmummy #sgprimaryschoolchinese #sgbabiesandtoddlers #chinesebooksforchildren #chinesebooksforkids #chinesekidlit #chinesesong #storytelling #sgtoddlers #sgcafe #sgyoungparents #sgteachers #learnchineseonline #sg #sgevents #sgmummies #chineselanguage

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