#好书介绍 歪歪兔 语言表达课

#好书介绍 歪歪兔 语言表达课

#好书介绍 歪歪兔 语言表达课

Waiwai Rabbit Language Expression Class

(Set of 4)

Here I am again,

with treasures to share!

Should we only cram 好词好句 for the sake of compositions and exams?

Many of us have been through this,

and soon these 好词好句 escape our memories

and are “returned” to our Chinese teachers.

How about this...

Let us slowly learn ways

to make our speech


more vivid,

with more thought and


and practise in our daily conversations!

I've 3 kids, of ages 2, 7 and 9 this year.

老大 is needing more help in writing compositions,

and I'm hoping to help improve 老二、小妹 in their oral expression.

I can already find multiple strategies

from these books

to use right away,

for each of them!

I find this especially helpful

for kids of Primary School age!

This bookset has tons of language tools

to help us be effective and successful bilingual communicators,

no matter what age we are!

No matter how “bad” our Mandarin is,

there’s always room for improvement.

What’s even better is that

we have the best learning partners

- our own children! ❤️❤️

Suitable for ages 1 and up for a rich language environment for 听说 listening and speaking.

Suitable for ages 6 and up to be more mindful of what they 读 read, and help them express themselves vividly in 写 writing!

Head over to mystorytreasury.com

to check out more detailed photos

and get your copy today ✨

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