Have you read these Singlit books before?
Sharing some lovely reads from our personal library!
Some of 👧🏻 Ms 3’s top favourites
✨儿童新唱计划: 我们的儿歌画故事 The Nursery Rhymes Project 1, 2 &3: Paint Our Songs (Set of 3) @thetheatrepractice
✨隐形的人 - 阿公心爱的工作服 + 巴士司机 Invisible People Series - Ah Gong’s Uniform + The Bus Driver (Set of 2) @ameschen @tokiostreets @estherlaoshi
✨菲菲你真棒 Murphy, See How You Shine! @weiteng_for_magic @quekie
✨欢乐学习看图词典 Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary (2nd edition) - Bilingual
✨小豆豆的图画书 Beany’s Picture Books (Set of 10)
✨情绪智商 My EQ Readers (Set of 12)
✨狮城往事绘本系列 Singapore Heritage Series (Set of 10)
Books 👦🏻Mr 8 and 👦🏻Mr 10 love to read on their own
✨三胞成语乐园 Yeah! Chinese Idioms (Set of 2)
✨老夫子 欢乐成语 Old Master Q Happy Idioms (Set of 2)
✨新鲜阿婆 What’s New with Grandma
✨又是这一班 It’s This Class Again (Set of 7)
✨闹闹漫画系列 Nao Nao Comic Series
✨闹闹新现代学生心态写真系列 Nao Nao New Portraits of the Modern Day ✨Student Series
✨笑笑学成语 Xiao Xiao Learns Idioms
✨笑笑学歇后语 Xiao Xiao Learns Chinese Proverbs (Set of 2)
Others we’ve enjoyed as a family
✨大家来过节 新加坡 传统节日与习俗 Let’s Celebrate - Singaporean Festivals and Customs (Set of 3) @phrancphoo
✨居家学习谁最棒 We Can Learn At Home
✨这个假期不一样 School Holidays Are Different Now
✨新加坡华族传统食品 Singaporean Chinese Cultural Food (Set of 8)
✨新加坡快乐小厨师绘本系列 Happy Little Singaporean Chef Series (Set of 4)
✨漫画唐诗 Tang Poetry In Pictures (Set of 3)
Coming soon to MST
✨乐乐计转弯 (Set of 2)
✨成语我OK (Set of 3)
✨儿童心灵健康成长绘本 (Set of 4)
✨我爱读报 iRead News (Set of 4)
Above are the books we currently or are going to stock at @mystorytreasury!
Other books by amazing local writers
✨Why Is Good Friday Good? 耶稣受难日 @thetreasureboxsg
✨Stacey Goes to the National Gallery Singapore @filbertfluff
✨The Great Singapore Poo Sale @graciechai
✨Karang Guni boy
✨The Incredible Basket @quekie
✨Our Coastal Backyard @dottieshop_sg
✨Touch-Me-Nots @natureplaytime
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and check these titles out if you haven’t!