I know the benefits of reading with my children, but I'm not always in the mood or have the energy to.
Last night, I was very tired,
and didn't feel like reading aloud with my 2 year old 👧🏻
during our usual bedtime routine.
So I encouraged her to choose a book
to read on her own.
To my delight,
she flipped through that book
in glorious silence.
When she was done with the first book,
she went on to the next book,
then another.
All while I did my own thing.
It makes my heart sing
to know that she loves reading
and can happily immerse herself
in the world of books!
Here are some tips
for encouraging children
to enjoy books silently
(even if they can't read any words):
✨ Make good books readily AVAILABLE!
✨ Let them CHOOSE what they like!
Enjoyment is key.
✨ Have a COMFORTABLE spot.
Fuzzy cozy feelings.
✨ Your silent PRESENCE may help.
Your child may prefer to have you nearby
to feel safe and happy.
If I were not there,
I'm sure my toddler wouldn't have
lasted that long on her own!
May not apply for older kids though,
it depends!
Some specific types of books
that are exceptionally helpful
for silent self-reading:
✨ Books with detailed illustrations to pore over
✨ Wordless books- kids can understand what's happening through pictures alone
✨ Books that are funny - holds their attention well
✨ Books about their high interest
✨ Books that we've read together countless times before - they'll already be familiar with the storyline, and can retell it to themselves
✨ Books with interactive components - for little hands to explore
✨ Occasionally, books that are completely new work well, for the novelty 👍🏻
These were 👧🏻 2 year old 妹妹‘s choices last night
📗 欢乐学习看图词典 Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary (2nd edition) - Bilingual
📗 四季时光 All Around Bustletown - 4 Seasons (Set of 5) - Bilingual
Winter, Spring
📗 小熊宝宝绘本 Little Bear Series (Set of 15)
📗 娜娜好习惯系列 Nana Has Good Habits (Set of 4)
Discover these awesome reads and more on
Let us know in the comments ❤️
Does silent reading happen in your home too?
Do you have any tips to add?