It’s easier to build strong children

It’s easier to build strong children

It’s easier to build strong children

than to repair broken men.

- Frederick Douglass

Peace education starts at home.

But what if we look at our own homes,

and we feel discouraged by what we see?

Conflicts may occur often between


parent and child,


Many of us need to

work on our inner self first,

to avoid passing on the hurts

to the next generation.

Let's not just tell our kids what's wrong.

Let's not assume the worst of their character.

They're not giving us a hard time.

Reframe it:

They are having a hard time.

Gently guide them.

Give them the words,


the opportunities to practise.

Cheer them on.

When we know better,

we do better.

This peace CAN be a growing reality in our homes.

Rooting for you!

Sharing some of the best books I've gathered over the years

to help us learn about kindness:

🕊️ 儿童好品德系列 The Best Behaviour Series (Set of 5)

《手不是用来打人的》 Hands Are Not For Hitting

《语言不是用来伤人的》Words Are Not For Hurting

《细菌不是用来分享的》Germs Are Not For Sharing

《尾巴不是用来扯的》 Tails Are Not For Pulling

《嗓门不是用来嚷嚷的》 Voices Are Not For Yelling

We not only do we see what not to do,

we also learn what to do constructively as an alternative.

🕊️ 礼仪常识 互动游戏书 All About Manners

Interactive and fun title to learn how our words and actions affect others.

🕊️ 分享 + 在一起 + 我长大了 Share, The Bestest Baby, I'm Big Now - I Have a New Sibling Series (Set of 3)

I like that the books model for us

what harmony between siblings can look like.

🕊️ 礼貌 from 幼儿启蒙知识库 Little Encyclopedia (Set of 12)

🕊️ 我懂礼貌 from 我会沟通,我有感觉,我懂礼貌 Communication, Feelings and Manners (Set of 3)

Practical ways to show grace and courtesy.

🕊️ 勇气 Courage

Courage can be shown in many different ways.

🕊️ 你会为别人着想吗?Are You Considerate of Others?

🕊️ 来帮忙喽! 家务小帮手 Let's Help Out with Housework!

Love the step-by-step illustrations that show how our actions and words have an impact on others.

Lots of scripts we can use immediately!

🕊️ 你把水桶加满了吗?Have You Filled A Bucket Today?

A simple yet life-changing concept for us.

When we fill others' buckets,

ours get filled too! 助人为快乐之本。

🕊️ 最棒的礼物 Peace Is An Offering

The ways of peace can be so simple and attainable.

Get yours


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