MORE!! Mandarin songs and poems about Numbers
Sing September Project
#funplaywithchinese x #sgprimaryschoolchinese
Here are 6 more songs / poems/ rhymes about numbers
for some fun learning!
These are suitable for slightly older kids
who are past the baby-ish 儿歌 stage.
1️⃣ 山村咏怀
This is a lovely poem written in the Song Dynasty by 邵雍
that incorporates the numbers 1-10.
There's a youtube video with a song version of this,
thanks @awreading for sharing!
2️⃣ 数青蛙
This is fun to sing on park outings when we see ponds and frogs!
3️⃣ 数蛤蟆
A rhyme, about toads instead of frogs.
Similar to the previous song!
Do you see the multiplication here? 😍
4️⃣ 红山果 by 安与骑兵
This is a special modern folk song that we can learn 量词 from, like
一朵花 一棵树
一座房子 一条路
一座山 一条河
一只小船 一个我, shared by @zeemag!
5️⃣ 十万个为什么
My favourite song out of the lot! Ahhh this song brings back so memories when @journey_2happiness recommended it, because this comes from one of my favourite cartoons to watch when I was a little girl. Just discovered the episodes on Youtube, and we're enjoying them while taking breaks from HBL🥳
6️⃣ 星晴 by Jay Chou
Really catchy tune! Any Jay Chou fans here? ⭐