米小圈 Mi Xiao Quan Series
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If you're looking for some really funny books meant for primary school children,
these are awesome!
Mi Xiao Quan is a really popular series for primary school aged kids,
because of its funny storylines and humorous characters.
with lots of adventures with his family, teachers and friends.
These books are well-liked by local students,
judging by how often students borrow these books
(according to my kids who see their friends' choices
during fortnightly school library visits)
and my own kids' experiences (:
We carry several types of Mi Xiao Quan books here at My Story Treasury.
米小圈脑筋急转弯 Mi Xiao Quan Brain Teasers Series 1 and 2
- Set of 4 per series
- Every book comes with 3 stages / challenges with many riddles and puzzles to solve, which adds to the depth and interactivity of the reading experience.
- Does not come with hanyu pinyin.
- I've been looking for books with jokes and brain teasers for my primary school kids to nurture their sense of humour in Mandarin, and this fits the bill well!
- I often see my P1 and P3 boys chuckling away, and they have been retelling me many jokes from within!
- Adds a lot of fun to our daily conversations in Mandarin!
每本脑筋急转弯共设置了三关,用一个故事作为主线串联,按照冲关挑战的方式进行。 三关既环环相扣又层层递进,让小读者有体验感、场景感,鼓励小读者在阅读故事的同时,开动脑筋;在开怀大笑之余,拓展思维。
- 漫画 comic strip
- 汉语拼音 hanyu pinyin (for the idiom only)
- 解释 explanation
- 造句 sample sentence
- 近义词 和 反义词 synonym and antonym
Each set
- has 5 books
- covering 250++ Chinese Idioms
- comes with little games to check understanding and application of Chinese Idioms - we can attempt this once the child / adult has read through more pages, to be able to answer better, when we get it right it boosts our confidence!
Titles in Series 1
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 鸡飞蛋打
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 画蛇添足
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 狐假虎威
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 马不停蹄
- 米小圈漫画成语游戏 · 小黑书
Titles in Series 2
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 叶公好龙
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 多如牛毛
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 欢呼雀跃
- 米小圈漫画成语 · 狼吞虎咽
- 米小圈漫画成语游戏 · 小蓝书
Pages: 134-140 per book
Format: Softcover
Language: Simplified Chinese
Author: 北猫