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快乐学表达 Learning to Express Ourselves (Set of 10)

Regular price $24.90 SGD
Regular price Sale price $24.90 SGD

This is an eye-opening resource that will help
you and your child build up our vocabulary bank
and help us to express ourselves more confidently in Mandarin!

Why we love this set and highly recommend it:

  • A great reference to explicitly teach grammar to kids systematically
    (and for us adults to co-learn alongside them!)
  • I especially love how they masterfully weave in references to Chinese history and culture, as well as classical poetry into the topics, making it fun!
    (Check the photo gallery to see what I mean!)
  • Comes with an index at the back of each book, so we can quickly and easily find specific words
  • Humourous and adorable illustrations
  • Filled with tons of details to pore over and things to learn
  • Empowers kids to use more details and descriptive words in speech and writing
  • Awesome visual reference in our toolbox

Titles include:

  • 《名词》 Nouns
  • 《动词》 Verbs
  • 《形容词》 Adjectives
  • 《代词》 Pronouns
  • 《拟声词》Onomatopoeia
  • 《夸张》Exaggeration
  • 《副词》Adverbs
  • 《比喻》Metaphors
  • 《反义词于近义词》Antonyms to Synonyms
  • 《数词与量词》Numbers and Quantifiers

My Story Treasury's recommended ways to use these books:

  1. Just enjoy the pictures! There are funny details to observe
  2. Discover that the same word can carry different meanings in different contexts
  3. Read a page and try to help our child to relate to the content,
    by linking it to a personal experience, recent memory or childhood story.
  4. Intentionally go through a few pages each time, tackling a different grammar point, to systematically learn grammar with our kids to improve language expression


Parts of this bookset and its designs look strikingly similar to another bookset 语言表达第一课 Language Expression (Set of 4) which is translated from Japanese.
However, this set is written by Chinese authors and definitely has richer Chinese history and cultural references, even including Chinese idioms and poetry, making it a lot more applicable and relatable to Chinese learners around the world.

Another useful reference to target vocabulary and nouns in speech and writing will be 欢乐学习看图词典 Fun Chinese Picture Dictionary (2nd edition) - Bilingual - perfect for familiarising with all things related to Singapore. Helpful for oral and composition writing too. Don't miss this!

Recommended for Ages: 3-99
No. of books in set: 10
Pages: 230
Format: Softcover
Language: Simplified Chinese
Author/Editor: 雅希

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